Class-1 shipping agency approved by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China, CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China), and Chinese Maritime Customs Administration, with the qualification of hauler.The company mainly trades in international sea, land, and air freight forwarding business, road freight carriage, cargo storage, acting as entry and exit quarantine inspection application agent, engaging in import and export practice of goods and technology and business consultation, including cargo collection, shipping space, storage, transit shipment, shipping containers devanning and boxing, settlement, customs declaration, quarantine inspection application, insurance as well as relevant transportation services and varieties of consultation services of investment information.经深圳市交通局批准许可工商注册资金,税务登记,具有法人资格综合性现代物流企业,成立于2006年,注册资金300万元,公司经营的是一家集公路、铁路、航空、海运为一体、专业从事长途、短途货物往返运输、专业机械设备运输、深圳专线物流、深圳香港专线、大件运输、散货运输、行李托运、小件运输、家电托运、整车零担、搬家搬厂、木箱包装、小轿车托运等、专业物流车辆调度的现代物流公司,公司以诚为本、人性化服务,多次被评为深圳物流优秀企业光荣称号。