
仓储配送寶利萬能提供专业的仓储与配送服务,我司有多年的中转仓储经验,不管您的货物是经公路、铁路还是水路运到仓库,我们都能安全接货,并根椐您的需要进行分唛、打托盘,服务质量好、收费合理。拖车服务我司可为您提供整柜普通柜、带发电机的冷冻柜和散货普通车、海关监管车系列运输服务,具有很强内陆运力,在旺季亦可保障您出货计划的顺利执行。报关服务在盐田港、蛇口港、文锦渡、外运仓、清水河仓库等口岸拥有自己的报关公司,可代客户办理进出口报关、代办商检、动植检、保险、FORM A、 C/O、熏蒸证书和特殊货物的通关等服务。       我司可为您提供整柜普通柜、带发电机的冷冻柜和散货普通车、海关监管车系列运输服务,具有很强内陆运力,在旺季亦可保障您出货计划的顺利执行。A: A freight forwarder is a company used by businesses to arrange and handle the movement of domestic and international air, ocean or ground shipments from point of origin to point of destination, as well as, to assist importers and exporters to transport their commercial goods from one international location to another.While the freight forwarder may not actually move the freight itself, it acts as an intermediary between the client and various transportation services. TCG ensures that goods arrive at the right location, on-time and on budget, by acting as an intermediary to ensure cooperation between the customer and all involved airlines or carriers. Core responsibilities are to identify the best routes, advise on various modes of transport, as well as, to negotiate freight rates with the airlines and carriers to move cargo economically, via the best shipment points.