
actives in import business with freight from all over the world and delivers them to main cities such as (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao and Dalian etc). Having customs broker, bounded warehouse and bounded trucks in house, BSSY is dedicated to provide customers with skilled consignee, customs declaration, transportation, warehousing, commodity inspection, customs liquidation and domestic delivery services. BSSY has contracted distribution centers, logistic services network covering both European and North American continental. BSSY`s business partners in the main cities of other countries offering the offshore door-to-door service,computing and collecting freight, transit shipment, home delivery, visiting packing, outside border FOB import cargo booking and some other offshore forwarder, logistic services. All these services enable BSSY being your first pick in terms of looking for logistical partner for your bussiness.主营业务之一国际进口运输,其中包括国际铁路运输、国际海运及空运。大洋物流利用其优异的海外运输网络将货物从国外运输到国内各个火车站、港口和机场。我们拥有报关执照,精通国际进口报关报检业务。大洋物流秉承为客户提供更多增值服务的理念,提供各项延伸服务。公司自成立以来以稳定的货量及良好的信誉与多家国内外航空公司建立了良好而长期的合作关系。目前公司最具优势的航线为欧洲航线和美洲航线。欧洲航线有北欧航空公司、德国汉莎航空公司、英国航空公司、中国南方航空公司、日本全日空航空公司、大韩航空公司、韩亚航空公司、乌兹别克斯坦航空公司等;美洲航线有美国联合航空公司、加拿大航空公司、美利坚航空公司、美国大陆航空公司等。至今与我司直接签单的国内外航空公司有 30 余家。