Export: From China every ports to overseas main ports export cargo(Including FCL and LCL ,Air and Door Service) Superiority: Middle east ,India & Pakistan,Australia,South-east Asia ,Japn . Import: From overseas import to China main ports and main cities transshipment (Including FCL and LCL by sea ,air and train)Superiority: Japan ,Australia and South- east Asia ) . Domestic: Domestic cargo delivery between two inner cities(Including FCL & LCL by sea,road,rail and combined transportation ,door to door service).为客户提供简便、高效、节省的国际多式联运运输服务,实现海运与铁路运输、海运与汽车运输无障碍链接,免去了您货物中转的烦恼。我们承诺:一次委托,全程负责。 国际多式联运的优点: 1、责任统一,手续简便。 2、节省费用,降低运输成本。 3、减少中间环节,时间缩短,运输质量提高。 4、运输组织水平提高,运输更加合理化。 5、实现门对门运输。 主要经营的线路是: 1、中国--格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、亚美尼亚、拉脱维亚、摩尔多瓦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、白俄罗斯、立陶宛等国的海陆联运服务(海陆联运) 2、中国--俄罗斯全境海陆联运服务(海铁联运)