
延伸到了国际间的演出、技术、学术交流会、珠宝艺术品展览等项目,大大拓展了翘运的服务领域。会展业务包括:来华展国际展品的境外集货、境外出口报关、国际间的海、空运、进口报关报检、国内运输、展馆搬运服务、包装开箱、展品就位、包装保存、展后包装、展品展后处置(回运、放弃、消耗、售出)等;国内展会展品的集货、运输、展馆服务、空箱保存、展后包装、展后回运或售出送货等。出国展的服务包括:国内集货、出口报关报检、出口海运或空运,国外进口清关、国外口岸接货、国外运输及储存、国外展馆现场搬运及展品就位、包装保存、展后包装及展品处置、展品回运或售出展品送往目的地等。除正规展会服务外,翘运还针对国际间巡回演出、技术交流、学术交流等活动,为这些活动所需的装备及材料,提供全程的、跟团辗转的物流服务。近年来,翘运尝试拓展了艺术品与珠宝的展会市场,为其提供专业的物流服务,同时也形成了公司新的利润增长点。In the past 3 years, Tim Long not only have good development in FCL business , but also have direct consolidation servcie to Singapore, Jakata . Manila, Bangkok,and Ho Chi Minh by weekly sailing with professional consol team, meanwhile ,we also have a office in Sha air port to handle the air shipment to keep all operation timely . Tim Long have gained a lot of trust and support from our customers ,we trust our professional ,quick, honest and secure servcie is the key , and we will keep our high-quality service in future .