Imported goods door to door

目前已在遍及33个沿海以及内陆主要城市设立了经营网点,依靠以上海、厦门、佛山、乌鲁木齐等为基点,建立起华东、华中、华南、华北服务区域网络,以快捷满足不同的需求,提供灵活、多样的运输方案,从中国发运货物,安全地运往独联体国家。完善的国外服务网络,提供最佳的运输路径,选择最优的运输成本。独联体国家范围内100多个战略合作伙伴及代理服务,网络遍及独联体国家的主要城市。 同时提供增值服务,多样化、人性化,为您创造更多的价值。Air Import

Imported goods door to door service provided.

Customs agents, customs clearance, transport regulation, commodity inspection, animal and plant quarantine and health inspection services.

Distribution of imported goods provided and transit services.

Accept hanging clothes, fresh produce and other special requirements of air cargo.

Special goods packaging, short forwarding services.

Regulation of imported goods to provide safe and reliable storage service.

My company has several professional senior operational staff, with Air China, China's Beihang University and other airlines have close working relationships, in Japan, Korea, Europe, North America has a strong network of agents around, so the ability to atlanto Logistics lowest prices, quality service, will be a variety of air cargo convenient, fast and safe transport around the world. The tariffs provided for your protection you are satisfied! You only need a phone call, send a fax, the company will serve you faithfully!