Shenzhen Xin Kai Rui International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. through a wide range of value-added services to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises optimize the logistics chain, reduce the cost of doing business, and found the service and profit entity logistics companies and customers a win-win combination of points, professional services operating in good faith to obtain the customer's approval. The Shenzhen Xin Kai Rui International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. focus within the enterprise culture building and employee growth, a combination of internal high-tech logistics system and modern management approach, people-oriented, to promote employees progress to achieve their personal values and achieve business development goals harmony unity. Shenzhen Xin Kai Rui International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. based in China, facing the world. The Xin Kingwe determined to build their own logistics brand, to better safeguard the interests of customers in the wave of globalization, and to provide more high-quality and modern logistics services.亞洲,印度中國,香港,新加坡, 泰國, 馬來西亞,越南,斯裏蘭卡, 巴基斯坦, 孟加拉國, 尼泊爾中東阿拉伯聯合酋長國, 科威特, 卡塔爾,沙特阿拉伯,迪拜歐洲,英國英國,愛爾蘭, 德國,法國北美,墨西哥