
Dedicated customer service, frequent sailings, global coverage and a strong network of own subsidiaries and selected partners ensure our quality and your satisfaction.     Combining your shipments efficiently and cost effective, using our specialized infrastructure platforms to leverage our competitive advantage.     Focusing on direct connections, we constantly strive to choose the fastest way for our customers. Listening to our customer’s demand, closely following market opportunities and with our drive for innovation we are continuously developing new destinations and inland locations.报关报检业务操作注意事项1. 《海关法》规定,进口货物的收货人,出口货物的发货人,进出境物品的所有人,是关税的纳税义务人。    同时也规定了有权经营进出口业务的企业和海关准予注册的报关企业也是法定纳税人。2. 不要错填、漏填相关信息,确保数据准确,资料齐全。3. 委托方应关注与我国签有双边协定的国家或地区的商品是否要求享受优惠关税的规定。