GZ logistics process

In-depth understanding and rich experience in the chinese foreign trade system and the relevant customs regulations, tax management and foreign exchange controls ensure the most accurate and reliable professional advice of the declaration agency services for the customers at home and abroad, so that the entire smooth logistics process more efficient.• General trade import and export declarations: a tax rebate and not a tax rebate • Processing trade import and export declarations: processing, feed processing contracts manual export declarations • Quicken cargo import and export declarations: goods with no verification sheet or manual for exportation. Deputizing the phytosanitary, health procedures for the seizureDo documents for the Generalized System of Preferences (Form A, a certificate CO) and Canada signed the applicationFor Hong Kong and the mainland proved fumigationTextiles importation and exportation licences for Hong Kong (T Form, R Form, I Form) Rich experience in foreign customs clearance, and is familiar with the United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan, and other places' customs regulations and documentation processes實現了從“實體經營”向“資本運作”的跨越,產業結構向“三大主業,八項業務”的經營格局轉變,產業規模和效益持續增長,創造了良好的經濟效益和社會效益。1997年5月23日,所控股的珠江船務企業(股份)有限公司成功於香港聯交所主板上市(股票代編號:00560),標誌著珠江集團全面進入資產經營和生產經營相結合的新的發展階段。目前珠江集團經營往返香港及珠江三角洲的航運物流業、水路高速客運和客船交易與修理,兼營成品油、免稅品貿易與供應、公路基建投資和管理、房地產開發、海事顧問等業務。