
We owns the advanced IT information system to provide first-class logistics services for customers. We owns modern enterprise management, and experienced, well-trained, business skilled professional team, with all our hearts to provide you the most appropriate solutions, the most professional suggestions and most reliable services. Perfect internal management, smooth work flow and strong sense of service is the most competitive assurance. Looking forward to our meticulous, professional, considerate and professional logistics service to become your reassuring, relieved, enamored , long-term and stable strategic partner.国际/国内海运1、提供的运输方式、运价、船期等运输咨询服务。2、代办租船订舱,与船公司确认船期、航行时间、航行路线。3、安排集装箱卡车、拼箱散货的上门提货。4、代买保险。5、安排报关、报检、报验、外汇核销、退税,及相关单证等文件材料的组织。